6.14. External Build Support (Ant Tasks)

Eclipse comes with an integrated Ant support. This can easily be used to automate build actions. To integrate variant management actions into these build processes, pure::variants provides a number of Ant tasks. They can be used with build files inside Eclipse or in headless mode.

A simple Ant script to trigger a pure::variants transformation looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="example" default="transform">
  <target name="transform">
    <pv.import path="C:\Projects\WeatherStation"/>
    <pv.transform name="CustomConfigFile" vdm="WeatherStation/Variants/Berlin.vdm"/>
    <eclipse.refreshLocal resource="WeatherStation"/>

This script runs the transformation CustomConfigFile on the variant description model Berlin.vdm in project WeatherStation . The transformation will generate some output in the project's directory.

First the pv.import task is used to import the project into the Eclipse workspace if it doesn't exist. Then the pv.transform task is used to start the CustomConfigFile transformation. And to let Eclipse reload and show the transformation results in the project directory, the Eclipse Ant task eclipse.refreshLocal is executed as the last build step.

To run this Ant script, create a file build.xml with the above content in the project directory. Then right-click file build.xml and choose Run As -> Ant Build… from the context menu.

Figure 6.71. Ant Build Action

Ant Build Action

To let Ant find the pure::variants provided Ant tasks, the correct JRE needs to be selected. Switch to the JRE tab and select option Run in the same JRE as the workspace .

Figure 6.72. Ant Build JRE Parameter

Ant Build JRE Parameter

Click Run to start the script execution.

The build.xml script can also be executed from outside of Eclipse (so-called headless mode). There are several ways to do this. Please note for Linux based operating systems the X Window System needs to be installed and started. Eclipse will not start if it is not able initialize GTK, which needs the X Window System to be installed and started.

You can use the Eclipse console application to run the script as follows:

%ECLIPSE%/eclipsec -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors 
  -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner 
  -data C:\workspace -buildfile build.xml -DPVLICENSE=C:\pv.de.lic

This command directly starts the Ant script runner of Eclipse with the Ant script build.xml , the path to an existing or temporary Eclipse workspace, and the definition of variable PVLICENSE pointing to a valid pure::variants license as arguments.

To simplify this, pure::variants comes with two batch scripts located in the cli sub-directory of the pure::variants installation directory.

Both scripts support the following environment variables to configure the execution.

Table 6.5. Environment Variables


Path to the eclipse sub-directory in the pure::variants installation directory

Example: C:\Program Files\pure-systems\pv_Enterprise_6.0\eclipse


Path to the pure::variants license file

Example: C:\pv.de.lic


Path to Java executable

Example: C:\Java\bin\java.exe


Name of the Eclipse configuration to use

Example: AntRun

The PVHOME variable is automatically added to the runant.bat and varianstcli.bat if pure::variants has been installed using the pure::variants installer executable.

The runant.bat (Windows) and runant.sh (on Linux and Mac) scripts have the following command line parameters which must be given in the order they are listed in the following table. Optional parameters can be omitted.

Table 6.6. runant Command Line Parameters


Optional parameter to enable printing the pure::variants and Eclipse logs on exit.

Example: runant.bat -l build.xml

-t target

Optional parameter to run the given target of the Ant script instead of the default target.

Example: runant.bat -t "Transform and Refresh" build.xml

-w workspace

Optional parameter to specify the path to an existing Eclipse workspace in which to run the Ant script. If not given, a temporary workspace directory is created, and deleted on exit.

Example: runant.bat -w C:\workspace build.xml


The path to the Ant script to run.

Example: runant.bat "C:\Ant Scripts\script5.xml"


Every argument following the path to the Ant script is passed as command line option to the Java VM. Please refer to the official Java documentation for the complete list of Java command line options.

Example: runant.bat "C:\Ant Scripts\count.xml" -DFrom=1 -DTo=100

This command line runs the print_report.xml script with two variables From and To passed to the Java VM using option -D . The Ant script then could access these variables using expressions ${From} and ${To} . Java transformation modules and JavaScript scripts run by the Ant script could access these variables using PVProperty.getPVProperty("From") and PVProperty.getPVProperty("To") .

The variantscli.bat (Windows) and variantscli.sh (on Linux and Mac) scripts have the following command line parameters which must be given in the order they are listed in the following table. Optional parameters can be omitted.

Table 6.7. variantscli Command Line Parameters


Optional parameter to enable printing the Eclipse log on exit.

Example: variantscli.bat -l Report C:\WS\Project\Variants\V5.vdm


The name of the transformation to execute (see the section called “Transformation Configuration Page” ).

Example: variantscli.bat Report C:\WS\Project\Variants\V5.vdm


Every argument following the transformation name must be the path to a VDM to transform. At least one VDM must be specified.

Example: variantscli.bat Report C:\WS\Project\Variants\V5.vdm C:\WS\Project\Variants\V6.vdm C:\WS\Project\Variants\V9.vdm

The pv.import task imports a pure::variants project into the workspace. If the project is already part of the workspace nothing happens.


<pv.import path="C:\Projects\Weather Station" importreferences="false" />
<pv.import server="http://pv.server.com" name="Weather Station" revision="v2"/>
<pv.import url="pvrm://pv.server.com/projects/iqRjtaATGwbmd2tGi#v2"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.evaluate task performs an evaluation and stores the result in the given result model file.


<pv.evaluate vdm="Weather Station\Config\Indoor.vdm" vrm="Weather Station\Indoor.vrm"/>
<pv.evaluate vdm="Weather Station\Config\Outdoor.vdm" vrm="Weather Station\Outdoor.vrm">
  <property name="autoresolve" value="extended"/>
  <property name="timeout" value="120"/>
  <property name="severity" value="error"/>
    <include path="Weather Station\config\*.vdm" nature="com.ps.consul.nature">
      <property name="modelHeadProperty" value="value"/>
    <exclude path="Weather Station\*\NotSelected.vdm" nature="com.ps.consul.nature">
      <property name="modelHeadProperty" value="value"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.evaluate task supports optional properties which influence the evaluation:

Instead of using the vdm attribute for defining one variant model model for the evaluation the modelset can be used. It allows to define multiple variant models, which will be run in the context of the same evaluation task. This simplifies the definition of multiple models with the same evaluation settings.

For defining the models three possibilities exist. A model is part of the model set, if it matches at least one include rule, but no exclude rule. If no include rule is defined the model must not match an exclude rule. If neither an include nor an exclude rule is defined all models are part of the model set. The options can be combined. If multiple options are used in the same include rule all of the defined options have to match.

The pv.transform task performs a transformation of a Variant Description Model or Variant Result Model.


<pv.transform vdm="Weather Station\Config\Indoor.vdm" name="Default" force="true" 
   input="C:/somewhere/input" output="C:/somewhere/output">
  <property name="autoresolve" value="extended"/>
  <property name="timeout" value="120"/>
  <property name="severity" value="error"/>
    <include path="Weather Station\*.ccfm" nature="com.ps.consul.nature">
      <property name="modelHeadProperty" value="value"/>
    <exclude path="Weather Station\NotSelected.ccfm" nature="com.ps.consul.nature">
      <property name="modelHeadProperty" value="value"/>
    <include path="Weather Station\config\*.vdm" nature="com.ps.consul.nature">
      <property name="modelHeadProperty" value="value"/>
    <exclude path="Weather Station\*\NotSelected.vdm" nature="com.ps.consul.nature">
      <property name="modelHeadProperty" value="value"/>
<pv.transform vrm="Weather Station\Outdoor.vrm" name="Default"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.transform task supports optional properties which influence the evaluation, which runs before the transformation:

The pv.transform task support filtering of the input model set. Meaning it is possible to reduce the number of input models after evaluation for a specific transformation configuration. The definition of input model filtering is applied on top of the input model set defined in the used transformation configuration. There is no possibility to add new models into the transformation. It is not allowed to filter feature models from the input model set. Rules to filter feature models are simply ignored. To define input model filtering the inputmodelset tag is used. It allows to define multiple include and exclude rules.

An input model is part of the input model set, if it matches at least one include rule, but no exclude rule. If no include rule is defined the model must not match an exclude rule. If neither an include nor an exclude rule is defined all input models are part of the input model set.

For filtering the input models three possibilities exist. The options can be combined. If multiple of this options are used in the same include rule all of the defined attributes have to match.

Instead of using the vdm attribute for defining one variant description model for the transformation the modelset can be used. It allows to define multiple variants description models, which will be run in the context of the same transforamtion task. This simplifies the definition of multiple variants from the same configuration space with the same transformation settings. The model set definition has the same options like the input model set definition.

The pv.validate task runs all available element and models checks on the given model.


<pv.validate model="Weather Station\WS.xfm">
  <property name="severity" value="warning"/>
    <include path="Weather Station\*.ccfm" nature="com.ps.consul.nature">
      <property name="modelHeadProperty" value="value"/>
    <exclude path="Weather Station\NotSelected.ccfm" nature="com.ps.consul.nature">
      <property name="modelHeadProperty" value="value"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.validate task supports optional properties which influence the output of the validation:

Instead of using the model attribute for defining one pure::variants model for the validation the modelset can be used. It allows to define multiple pure::variant models, which will be run in the context of the same validation task. This simplifies the definition of multiple models with the same validation settings.

For defining the models three possibilities exist. An model is part of the model set, if it matches at least one include rule, but no exclude rule. If no include rule is defined the model must not match an exclude rule. If neither an include nor an exclude rule is defined all models are part of the model set. The options can be combined. If multiple options are used in the same include rule all of the defined options have to match.

The pv.inherit task changes the inheritance between VDMs.


<pv.inherit vdm="Weather Station\Config\Indoor.vdm">
  <super vdm="Weather Station\Config\Base.vdm"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.connect task connects to a server and login as given user.


<pv.connect server="http://pv.server.com" user="example" pass="example"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.sync task updates a model imported by a connector. The connector specific synchronization job is called to update the models data.


<pv.sync model="Weather Station\Sources.ccfm"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.syntaxsemanitccheck task checks the given configspace for semantic and syntactic errors. This is running the same checks as the Perform Syntax and Semantic Check action on configuration spaces.


<pv.syntaxsemanitccheck configspace="Weather Station\Variants" reportfile="Weather Station\CheckResult.html" />

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.mergeselection task creates or updates a variant description model by merging all selections from the given variant description models. The following rules are applied. If an element is excluded in at least one source model the element is also excluded in the result. If an element is selected in at least one source model it is also selected in the result if not excluded by any other source model.


<pv.mergeselection vdm="Weather Station\Config\Merged.vdm">
  <source vdm="Weather Station\Config\IndoorBase.vdm"/>
  <source vdm="Weather Station\Config\TempOnly.vdm"/>
  <source vdm="Weather Station\Config\CommUSB.vdm"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.javascript task performs a given javascript in a specific context. This allows the user to automate existing javascripts. The script can be performed in the context of one model or in the context of one project. If both a project and a model is given, the model is used for the context.


<pv.javascript script="C:\Temp\javascript.js" project="Weather Station" model="$(PROJECT)\Sources.ccfm" /> 

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.offline task switches the server project into offline mode. The project is selected by the name attribute. This task does nothing if the project is already offline or if the project is a local project.


<pv.offline name="Weather Station"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.online task switches the server project into online mode. The task performs a "Override and update" if there are differences between the remote project and the local representation. Meaning the local data is overwritten with the current state of the project on the pure::variants Server. The project is selected by the name attribute. This task does nothing if the project is already online or if the project is a local project.


<pv.online name="Weather Station"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.userrolesync task is used to synchronize users and roles of a pure::variants model server with their data sources (e.g. LDAP directory servers).


  <property name="server" value="http://server:1234"/>
  <pv.connect server="${server}" user="admin" pass="123"/>
  <pv.userrolesync server="${server}" username="cn=reader,dc=company,dc=com" password="456">
    <role name="Modeler"/>
    <role name="User"/>
    <role name="Tester"/>
    <user name="*"/>

This task has the following attributes:

The users and roles to synchronize are listed using user and role elements. Both elements have the attribute name which specifies the name or a name pattern for the users or roles to synchronize. The name can contain the special characters "*" to match any text and "?" to match a single character.

If the data source of a user or role to synchronize is a server that uses a certificate which is not trusted by pure::variants, then the synchronization with that data source server will fail. To register this certificate with pure::variants, start pure::variants and open the User Management of the pure::variants server (see "pure::variants Server Administration Manual" about details on how to do this). Then try to synchronize the same users and roles from within pure::variants. You will be asked by pure::variants to accept the certificate of the data source server permanently. After you agreed, run the Ant task again. It will not fail anymore due to an untrusted certificate.

The pv.property task is used to define a runtime property, which can be used in several pure::variants connectors. For example runtime properties are used for defining user credentials for external tools used by some connector transformations.


  <pv.property name="propertyName" value="property value" />

This task has the following attributes:

The pv.about task lists the pure::variants environment including the installed pure::variants features and information about the used Eclipse and Java version.



This task does not support attributes: