6.15. Linking between pure::variants and external resources

pure::variants model objects can be linked with any external resource in both directions. To create a link to an external resource inside a pure::variants object's HTML description, use the "Insert/Edit Link" ( ) action in the description editor to add the link location to your description. Alternatively you can also drag an URL and drop it directly into the editor or on the model element. All links from the description of the selected element are shown in the Relations View.

Figure 6.68. Relations View with external Links

Relations View with external Links

A double click on a link results in navigating to the link's destination if a link hander is registered for the respective link type.

To support linking in the inverse direction, pure::variants model elements can also be accessed by URL links. To get a model element's URL use the "Copy URL" context menu action on that element. The URL is made available in the Clipboard and can be pasted into any other resource or application. If external applications are able to handle drop events, a simple drag of the model element with the mouse and dropping it on the external application will work too.

The pure::variants installer for Windows will setup a link handler, which allows direct navigation from external applications to the linked pure::variants model element. However, the handler only works if an instance of pure::variants is running and the linked model element is available in the currently used workspace.