9.1.  Element Attribute Types

Table 9.1. Supported Attribute Types

Attribute TypeDescriptionAllowed Values
ps:boolean boolean value true and false
ps:integer integer number a valid integer number of format ('0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+) | ([+-]? [0-9]+)
ps:float floating point number a valid floating point number of format [+-]? [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]+)? ([eE] [+-]? [0-9]+)?
ps:string any kind of unspecific text any
ps:path path to a file in a file systemany
ps:directory path to a directory in a file systemany
ps:url a URL or URIany
ps:html HTML codeany
ps:datetime date and time (e.g. in IS0 8601 format)any
ps:version a version string (with wildcards) a string of format [0-9]+ ('.' [*0-9]+ ('.' [*0-9]+ ('.' [*0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)?)?)?
ps:filetype file type identifier def , impl , misc , app , undefined
ps:insertionmode value type of source element type ps:fragment before and after
ps:element feature or family model element referencea valid ID of an element
ps:feature feature referencea valid ID of a feature
ps:class ps:class source element reference a valid ID of a ps:class source element