9.4.  Element Selection Types

Table 9.5. Types of element selections

User Explicitly selected by the user. Auto resolver will never change the selection state of a user selected element.
Auto resolved An element selected by the auto resolver to correct problems in the element selection. Auto resolver may change the state of an auto resolved element but does not deselect these elements when the user changes an element selection state.
Excluded The user may exclude an element from the selection process (via a context menu). When the selection of an excluded or any child element of an excluded element is required, an error message is shown.
Auto Excluded An element excluded by the auto resolver to correct conflicts. When the selection of an excluded or any child element of an excluded element is required, an error message is shown.
Non-Selectable For a specific element selection the auto resolver may recognize elements as non-selectable. This means, selection of these elements always results in an invalid element selection. For other element selections these elements may not non-selectable.