9.9.  Predefined Variables

There are several places in pure::variants where variables are supported. That are for instance the transformation input and output paths as well as in the parameters of transformation modules. The following pattern is used for accessing variables: $(VARIABLENAME) .

Table 9.15. Supported Variables

CONFIGSPACE Path to the Configuration Space folder.
CONFIGSPACE_NAME Name of the Configuration Space.
ENV:variable The content of the environment variable with the given name.
INPUT Transformation input directory.
MODULEBASE Path to the transformation module base folder.
OUTPUT Transformation output directory.
PROJECT Path to the folder of the current project.
PROJECT:name Path to the folder of the project with the given name.
QUALIFIER The actual time stamp in the form yyyyMMddHHmmss, e.g. 20190101143045.
TRANSFORMLOG Path to the transformation log file.
TRANSFORMATION The name of the transformation configuration which triggered the current transformation.
VARIANT Name of the current variant, i.e. the name of the VDM currently being evaluated resp. transformed.
VARIANTSPATH Name of the currently being evaluated resp. transformed VDM prefixed by the names of the parent VDMs. The names are separated by a slash. If a VDM is not linked, then the value of VARIANTSPATH is identical to the value of VARIANT .
WORKSPACE Path to the workspace folder.