6.7.  Searching in Models

Feature and Family Models can be searched using the Variant Search dialog. It supports searching for elements, attributes, attribute values, restrictions, and constraints.

The Variant Search dialog is opened either by choosing the Search->Variant menu item, by clicking on the Eclipse Search button and switching to the Variant Search tab, or by choosing Search from the context menu of the model editor.

The dialog is divided into the following sections.

The results of the search are listed in the Variant Search view supporting a tree and table representation and a search result history. For more information about the Variant Search view see Section 7.4.3, “ Search View ” .

After the search is finished blue markers are created on the right side of models containing matches. These markers visualize the matches in the model and provide an easy way to navigate to the matched model items simply by clicking on a marker.

Within a model editor it is possible to search using the Quick Overview. Especially in large models it is sometimes hard to find an element with a known name or a known part of the name. To shorten the navigation through tree nodes or tables in model editors pure::variants provides a quick overview which you may already know from Eclipse as Quick Outline . If a model editor (e.g. a Feature Model Editor) is active then pressing the shortcut CTRL+O opens a small window with a sorted and filtered list of all model elements. Figure 6.32, “Quick Overview in a Feature Model” shows an example for the quick overview.

After the quick overview popped up a filter text can be entered. Shortly after the modification of the filter text the list of the quick overview will be updated according to the given filter. The filter can contain wild cards like the question mark ? and the asterisk * as place holders for one arbitrary character and an arbitrary sequence of characters, respectively. You may also use Camel Case notation. Camel case means that between each capital letter and the letter in front of it a * wild card is placed internally to the filter text. For example, typing ProS as filter text would also find elements like Protocol Statistics or Project Settings .

Finally, if the desired element is shown in the quick overview then a double-click on it lets the editor navigate to that element. You can also use the arrow keys to select the item from the list and press ENTER to get the same effect.


The quick overview presents only those model objects which the active model editor shows. For instance, if the editor shows relations then the quick overview presents them, too. Additionally the filter set to the editor has effect to visibility of elements in the quick overview.