6.3.  Transforming Variants

pure::variants supports user-defined generation of product variants, described by Variant Description Models, using an XML-based transformation component. See Section 5.9, “ Variant Transformation ” for a detailed information about the transformation process.

A VDM is transformed by opening it in the VDM Editor and clicking on button in the Eclipse toolbar. If more than one transformation is defined in a Configuration Space then this button can be used to open the list of defined transformations and to choose one. Additionally this button allows to open the Transformation Configuration Page of the corresponding Configuration Space to add, remove, or modify transformations.

Figure 6.14. Multiple Transform Button

Multiple Transform Button

The transformation must initially be set up for a specific Configuration Space. Therefore the Configuration Space properties have to be opened from the Variant Projects view by choosing Properties from the context menu of the corresponding Configuration Space.

The editor is divided into three separate pages, i.e. the Model List page, the Input-Output page, and the Transformation Configuration page.

This page is used to specify certain input and output options to be used in model transformations. The page can be left unchanged for projects with no transformations.

The input path is the directory where the input files for the transformation are located. The output path specifies the directory where to store the transformation results. The transformation log file is used by transformation modules to log their activities while transformation. All path definitions may use the following variables. The variables are resolved by the transformation framework before the actual transformation is started. To see which variables are available for path resolution in transformations refer to Section 9.9, “ Predefined Variables ”

The Clear transformation output directory check box controls whether pure::variants removes all files and directories in the Output path before a transformation is started. The Ask for confirmation before clearing check box controls whether the user is asked for confirmation before this clearing takes place. The remaining check boxes work in a similar manner and control what happens if the Output path does not exist when a transformation is started.

The Recover time stamp... option instructs the transformation framework to recover the time stamp values for output files whose contents has not been changed during the current transformation. I.e. even if the output directory is cleared before transformation, a newly generated or copied file with the same contents retains its old time stamp. Enable this option if you use tools like make which use the files time stamp to decide if a certain file changed.

The "Save the variant..." option instructs the transformation framework to save the Variant Result Model to the given location. The Variant Result Model is the input of the transformation framework containing the concrete variants of the models in the Configuration Space.

The option "Automatically save the variant result model when variant is saved" does instruct pure::variants to save the Variant Result Model each time the corresponding Variant Description Model is saved.

This page is used to define the model transformation to be performed for the Configuration Space. The transformation configuration is stored in an XML file. If the file has been created by using the wizards in pure::variants it will be named moduleconfig.xml and will be placed inside the Configuration Space. However, there is no restriction on where to place the configuration file, it may be shared with other Configuration Spaces in the same project or in other projects, and even with Configuration Spaces in different workspaces.

The Transformation Configuration Page allows to define a free number of Transformation Configurations which all will be available for the Configuration Space. The lower left part of the Transformation Configuration Page allows to create, duplicate, delete and move Module Configuration entries up and down. After pressing the left most button Add a Module Configuration a new entry is added immediately whose name can be changed as desired. If a complex Module Configuration is created it might be useful to create a copy of it and edit it afterwards. Use the button right to the add button Copy selected Module Configuration for this task. Following buttons allow to delete and move a Module Configuration .

When a Transformation Configuration is selected on the left side, it can be edited with the lower right part of the Transformation Configuration Page. A Module Configuration consists of a list of configured modules. Since many modules have dependencies on other modules they must be executed in a specific order. The order of execution of the transformation modules is specified by the order in the Configured Modules list and by the kind of modules. This order in the list can be changed using the Up and Down buttons.

If the Enable Update Support button on the top of the right page is checked, the created output of transformation modules for a given variant has to support variant update scenario. In that case an already existing output for this variant may not be overwritten while transformation but can be updated afterwards with the newly created output.

If the Ignore transformation module errors button on the bottom of the right page is checked, errors reported by transformation modules do not cause the current transformation to be aborted. Use this option with caution, it may lead to invalid transformation results.

The buttons on the right side allow transformation modules to be added to or removed from the configuration, and to be edited. When adding or editing a transformation module a wizard helps to enter or change the module's configuration.

In the transformation module selection dialog a name has to be entered for the chosen transformation module. The module parameters are configured in the "Module Parameters" dialog opened when clicking on button Next.

A transformation module can have mandatory and optional parameters. A module can not be added to the list of configured modules as long as there are mandatory parameters without a value. Module parameters have a name and a type. If there are values defined for a parameter, a list can be opened to choose a value from (see Figure 6.19, “Transformation module parameters” ). If a default value is defined for a parameter, then this value is shown as its value if no other value was entered. Some modules accept additional parameters that can be added and removed using the Add and Remove buttons. Additional parameters are always optional and can have any name, type, and value.

For a special Module Configuration it is also possible to specify special Input and Output paths, which overwrite the settings from Configuration Space. The Input and Output paths can be edited when selecting the Input-Output tab as shown in Figure 4.5, “Transformation configuration in Configuration Space Properties” . Layout and behavior are identical to the Input-Output Page of the Configuration Space Properties Dialog with the exception that Transformation log file and the Save the variant result model to fields are not available. The use of Module Configuration specific Input and Output paths can be enabled with the check button Use configuration specific input-output settings .

The Model List tab allows to specify a transformation configuration specific set of input models. The list can not contain more then the used models defined for the config space itself. It is not possible to remove feature models from the input model set. The selected input models will be processed by the defined transformation modules. The deselected input models are not known by the transformation modules and will be completely ignored during transformation. The variant evaluation will always use all input models as defined for the configuration space. The use of a transformation module configuration specific input model set can be enabled with the check button Enable model filter.


Reducing the set of input models may have an unwanted impact in the transformation result.

Please see Section 5.9, “ Variant Transformation ” for more information on model transformation.

The standard transformation is suitable for many projects, such as those with mostly file-related actions for creating a product variant. This transformation also includes some special support for C/C++-related variability mechanisms like preprocessor directives and creation of other C/C++ language constructs.

The standard transformation is based on a type model describing the available element types for Family Models (see Figure 6.22, “The Standard Transformation Type Model” ).

The standard transformation supports a rich set of part and source elements for file-oriented variant generation. For each source and part element type a specific transformation action is defined in the standard transformation. Source elements can be combined with any part element (and also with part types which are not from the set of standard transformation part types) unless otherwise noted. For a detailed description of the standard transformation relevant source element types see Section 9.5, “ Predefined Source Element Types ” .

The supported part element types are intended to capture the typical logical structure of procedural ( ps:function , ps:functionimpl ) and object-oriented programs ( ps:class , ps:object , ps:method , ps:operator , ps:classalias ). Some general purpose types like ps:project , ps:link , ps:aspect , ps:flag , ps:variable , ps:value or ps:feature are also available. For a detailed description of the standard transformation relevant part element types see Section 9.6, “ Predefined Part Element Types ” .

Text based files can be modified during the transformation using a search and replace operation based on regular expressions. For this purpose the file must be modelled by a source element with a type derived from type ps:destfile . The regular expression to modify the file is provided in the attribute regex:pattern that has to be added to the source element. This attribute can have several values, each containing a regular expression, that are applied to the file in the order they are given.

In conjunction with the pure::variants JavaScript extension functions JavaScripts can be used to generate product variants. No special requirements are placed on the transformation you have to perform and using the extension functions is quite straightforward:

To demonstrate how to use JavaScripts for generating a product variant, the following example will show the generation of a text file, which contains a list of used features and some additional information about them. This example uses a user-provided JavaScript. The used JavaScript can also be found in the Javascript Transformation Example project.

Within the JavaScript the pure::variant extensibility options can be used. An API documentation is part of the pure::variants Extensibility SDK.

The example JavaScript looks like this:

 * To set up JavaScript Transformation open configuration space properties
 * and go to "Configuration Space" -> "Transformation Configuration"
 * and add a JavaScript Transformation Module with this JavaScript.

// global variables

var module = module_instance();

 * Initialize this JavaScript transformation module. 
 * This method is optional and does not need to be implemented.
 * @param {IPVVariantModel} vdm 
 *   The concrete variant description model.
 * @param {IPVModel[]} models 
 *   The concrete feature and family models. 
 *   This provides the full view of the current variant including all elements 
 *   from instances, variant references and variant collections.
 * @param {java.util.Map<String, String>} variables 
 *   The variables of the transformation configuration.
 * @param {java.util.Map<String, String>} parameter 
 *   The parameter of the JavaScript transformation module.
 * @param {org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor} monitor 
 *   The monitor for this operation 
 * @return {ClientTransformStatus} the status of this module method
function init(vdm, models, variables, parameter, monitor) {
	var status = new ClientTransformStatus();
	return status;

 * Perform transformation preparation steps.
 * This method is called after all modules have been initialized and before
 * any module is processed.
 * This method is optional and does not need to be implemented.
 * @param {org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor} monitor 
 *   The monitor for this operation 
 * @return {ClientTransformStatus} the status of this module method
function prepare(monitor){
	var status = new ClientTransformStatus();
	return status;

 * Do the work of this JavaScript transformation module
 * @param {org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor} monitor 
 *   The monitor for this operation 
 * @return {ClientTransformStatus} the status of this module method
function work(monitor) {

	var status = new ClientTransformStatus();
	var fo = null;
	try {
		var path = module.getVariable("OUTPUT");
		var filename = "FeatureList.txt";
		var outputfile = module.getParameter("outputfile");

		if (outputfile != null && outputfile != "") {
			fo = new java.io.FileWriter(new java.io.File(outputfile));
		} else {
			fo = new java.io.FileWriter(new java.io.File(path, filename));
		var models = module.getModels();
		var steps = calculateWork(models);
		monitor.beginTask("Print Features",steps);
		for (var index = 0; index < models.length; index++) {
			// convert to pure::variants model
			var model = new IPVModel(models[index]);
			// check if model is a concrete feature model
			if (model.getType().equals(ModelConstants().CFM_TYPE) == true) {
				// convert to feature model
				var fmodel = new IPVFeatureModel(model);
				// get the root feature
				var root = fmodel.getRoot();
				// print features starting at root
				printFeatures(fo, root, monitor);
	} catch (e) {
	} finally {
	  if(fo != null){
	return status;

 * Perform transformation post-processing steps.
 * This method is called after all modules have been processed and before any
 * module is cleaned up, in reverse order. The first module on which
 * {@link #prepare(IProgressMonitor)} has been called is the last on which
 * this method is called.
 * This method is optional and does not need to be implemented.
 * @param {org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor} monitor 
 *   The monitor for this operation 
 * @return {ClientTransformStatus} the status of this module method
function postpare(monitor){
	var status = new ClientTransformStatus();
	return status;

 * Finalize JavaScript transformation module
 * @param {org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor} monitor 
 *   The monitor for this operation 
 * @return {ClientTransformStatus} the status of this module method
function done(monitor) {
	var status = new ClientTransformStatus();
	return status;

function calculateWork(models) {
	var total = 0;
	for (var index = 0; index < models.length; index++) {
		// convert to pure::variants model
		var model = new IPVModel(models[index]);
		// check if model is a concrete feature model
		if (model.getType().equals(ModelConstants().CFM_TYPE) == true) {
			total += model.getElementList().size();
	return total;

 * Print the information of a feature to the output file
 * and do to the children.
 * @param {java.io.FileWriter} fo 
 *   The file writer in order to write the information
 * @param {IPVElement} element 
 *   The element to print
 * @param {org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor} monitor 
 *   The monitor for this operation 
function printFeatures(fo, element, monitor) {
	monitor.subTask("Print: " + element.getName());

	// print information to file
	fo.append("Visible Name: ");
	fo.append("Unique Name:  ");

	// go to children
	var children = element.getChildren();
	var iterator = children.iterator();
	while (iterator.hasNext() == true && monitor.isCanceled() == false ) {
		var child = new IPVElement(iterator.next());
		printFeatures(fo, child, monitor);

The script consists of three main functions. These three functions will be called by the transformation module.

If the transformation parameter outputfile was used, the variable out can be used to write directly to the given file. Otherwise the variable out writes to the Java standard output. The function module_instance() provides access to the transformation module instance, which is running the JavaScript transformation. This gives access to the transformation module API.

When a transformation of a hierarchical variant is performed then a single transformation is performed for each variant in the hierarchy. Only those transformations of linked variants are executed that have the name "Default" or the name of the top-level variant transformation (if not "Default").

The order of the transformations is top-down, i.e. first the top-level variant is transformed, then the variants below the top-level variant, and so on. Each single transformation is performed on the whole Variant Result Model, stating two lists of model elements, i.e. the transformation Entry-Points list and the transformation Exit-Points list. These lists describe the section of the Variant Result Model that represents the variant to transform. Some transformation modules may not support these lists and always work on the whole Variant Result Model.

There is a special variable $(VARIANTSPATH) that should be used in a transformation of hierarchical variants to specify the transformation output directory. This variable contains the name of the currently transformed variant (VDM) prefixed by the names of its parent variants (VDMs) according to the variant hierarchy. The variant names are separated by a slash ("/"). Using this variable makes it possible to build a directory hierarchy corresponding to the variant hierarchy. This may also avoid that the results of the transformation of one variant are overwritten by the results of the transformation of another variant. See Section 9.9, “ Predefined Variables ” for more information on the use and availability of variables.

Transformations of linked variants have to handle the prefixed unique names and IDs in the models of the variant (see the section called “Unique Names and IDs in linked Variants” ). Especially Conditional Text resp. Conditional XML transformations have to reference elements with their full, i.e. prefixed, name. If for instance the condition in a file transformed with Conditional Text is "Foo" then this condition always will fail if evaluated in the context of a linked variant. The correct condition would be "Link1:Foo", if linked below the link element with unique name "Link1".

The transformation module Reuse Transformation provides the possibility to reuse already existing transformation configurations. These existing configurations can be run with the first vdm, the last vdm or with each vdm of a configspace or vdm selection.

The Reuse Transformation module has two mandatory parameter.

The first parameter Triggered by defines for which vdm of the current transformation the reused transformation configuration is triggered. The three allowed values First VDM , Each VDM and Last VDM are provided in a combo box. Each VDM is the default.

The second parameter Transformation defines the name of the transformation configuration, which will be triggered by this module.

The configuration space settings are inherited as follows:

The transformation module Ant Build Module provides the possibility to call an Ant build during the transformation. The module has two parameter.

The first parameter Build File defines the location of the Ant build file.

The second parameter Target defines the target for the build. If no target is given the default target of the Ant build file will be used.